Umwelt verschmutzen - translation to Αγγλικά
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Umwelt verschmutzen - translation to Αγγλικά

Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld; Environment Campus Birkenfeld
  • Environmental Campus Birkenfeld

Umwelt verschmutzen      
pollute, contaminate, make impure
v. verunreinigen, verschmutzen, verpesten; Umwelt verschmutzen
environmental problem         
Environmental impact; Environmental impacts; Environmental Impact; Environmental concerns; Environmental effect; Environmental effects; Environmental problems; Enviromental issues; Environmental implication; Environmental implications; Environmental problem; Ecological impact; Issue (environmental); Environmental issue; Ecological issues
Umweltproblem, problematisches Thema das sich auf die Umwelt bezieht; umweltschädigender Zustand oder Ereignis, etwas das die Umwelt verschmutzt


Environmental Campus Birkenfeld

The Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (ECB) (German: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld (UCB)) is a branch of the Hochschule Trier in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is close to the small town of Birkenfeld in Rhineland-Palatinate, close to the border of Saarland, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. There are 2,500 students enrolled in two departments. There are a total of 59 professors teaching in both departments ( Environmental Planning / Environmental Technology (Umweltplanung und -technik) and Environment Business / Environment Law (Umweltwirtschaft und -recht)).

Since the beginning of the academic year in October 2005, only bachelor and master students are being accepted as part of the Bologna process.

ECB is structured as a residential campus. It offers education, housing and employment all in one location (this is very rare in Germany). There are eight residential structures that provide housing for 777 students. As is characteristic of a university of applied sciences, the campus is structured so that the students have the opportunity to receive an early introduction to the sciences. Students are encouraged to take part in the research projects underway on campus. Some programs are even designed solely for student participation.

One such specialized project is the traveling university. Students have the opportunity to travel to one of a selection of foreign countries to work on a project for a period of two weeks. Typical projects involve renewable energy sources and have been conducted in places as diverse as Opole (Poland) and Kunming (China). Similar future projects will be located in Brazil.

Incidentally, ECB is the only University in Germany that uses Renewable Energy Sources to generate heat.